Monday, November 5, 2012

TONIGHT!!!!!! Drink for a Cause!! NEW YORK STATE OF MIND!

With Hurricane Sandy affecting New York and New Jersey last week, Some of my USBG NYC brothers and sisters were affected. So now its our time to help them out. TONIGHT at Salud Tequila Lounge. Myself along with 17 other of Chicago's finest will be serving Beer, Punch, shots, and food for any and all who come thru. 8pm-2am in one hour shifts 3 bartenders will be "guest bartenders" to serve you. 100% proceeds and tips go to our friends on the east coast. $20 donation at the door is suggested, and with that gets your food and drink.  Raffles with some AMAZING gifts, dinners, a Fernet Bicycle, a St. Germain Bicycle, and many many more... 

If you re not anywhere tonight this is where you should be!! 8pm-2am. My bar shift is from 9p-10p, So come out and DRINK FOR A CAUSE!!! I'm in a New York State of Mind today and you should be too!! 

See you all tonight!!!!